‘Jidan No.35’ is a maize hybrid which was combined with ‘A-394’ as the female parent and ‘Ji 853’ as the male parent bred by Jilin Jinong Hi-Tech Inc.,Ltd in 1999.The hybrid needs 2750℃(≥10℃) of accumulate temperature,and can be harvested 128 days after sowing in the north spring maize planting area.The average yield from 19 experiments of ‘Jidan No.35’ was 10695.5 kg/ha,which was 7.8% higher than the control of ‘Jidan No.180’ in 2003 and 2004.This new hybrid is suitable to be planted in spring maize growing area of the northeast China where ‘Jidan No.180’ and ‘Zhengdan No.958’ are planted.