Abstract:Hungarian goose,Rhin-zi crossing goose and goose with dual propose of meat and feather were used as basic materials to build the meat goose synthetic line.By three or four lines breeding,the new line was established,which have quick growth rate,high-yield feather and meat,good performance of reproduction,high quality meat and strong disease resistance.The results showed that,compared with lo-cal white gooses,weight in 70 days from F1 population of A lines(male parent) and B lines(female par-ent),AB lines(male parent) and C lines(female parent),increased by 22.32% and 16.67%,respectively.Feed conversion efficiency increased by 7.3% and 11.2%.Survived percent in starter stage increased 16.5% and 15.5%.Population regularity degree of cross goose was 83% and 80%.