Using F2 of alkali-tolerant wild soybean Gs0001(♀) and alkaline-sensitive cultivated soybean ‘’Jikedou 1’(♂) as gene targeting groups,SSR Molecular Markers of soybean alkali-resistant genes were carried out by the BSA(Bulked-segegant analysis) method.In 488 pairs of SSR primers distributed in 20 linkage groups,7 pairs of markers closely linked with the alkali-resistant genes were screened out,which was near to G linkage group regions.Using Mapmaker/EXP3.0 analysis,the minimum function value LOD = 14.0,alkali-resistant gene was between Satt298 and Satt269.The genetic distances between the two markers were 1.3 cM and 6.9 cM,respectively.The alkali-resistant gene’s contribution rate was 40.31%.