Abstract:The Pullorosis fowl typhoid is a severe contagious disease,which spreads out perpendicularly via eggs.To eliminate the positive individuals and purify heath group,in this research we carried out serological detection in chicken.We applied the whole blood agglutination plate to assess the 5133 samples of ’Xinxinghuang’ chicken in the Taicang of Guangdong Wen’s Poultry Ltd.The result showed that the positive samples of the Pullorosis fowl typhoid is 2.7%.Under the same condition,we compared positive groups with negative groups in the laying rate,fertilization and hatching rate and found that production capability of positive groups was lower than the negative groups in the different degree with the ranges of 8.1-21.8%(laying rate),0.87%-1.6%(fertilization),10.60%-11.43%(hatching rate),respectively.