Abstract:By using 12 inbred lines of maize,32 crossing combinations were made according to incomplete dialed cross.Combining ability and hereditary parameter of 10 characters were analyzed.The results showed that inbred lines of ’JiB172’,’JiB166’,’JiB142’,’JiB140’ and ’JiB168’ had the higher general combining ability.Crossing combinations with high SCA included JiB166 × JiB140,JiB168×JiB151,JiB172× JiB129,JiB168×JiB140.Popping rate,expansion volume,ear height,100-kernel weight and plant height were controlled mainly by the additive gene,and they could be inherit stably.Ear length,ear diameter,row number of ear and grain yield were controlled mainly by non-additive gene.They could be influenced greatly by the external environment.