Abstract:Ecological benefits of land consolidation is a result of the soil micro-topography, hydrology, vegetation, and other environmental factors of changes in ecosystem services after land consolidation project and their value changes.Land consolidation is about to change land usage, to improve soil physical and chemical properties.The results of a direct impact on the effective cultivated area and quality of arable land have a certain impact on the regional ecological environment.Therefore, evaluation and analysis of land consolidation is of great significance.In this paper, taking land consolidation project in Wangdu County as an example, indicators of land quality, indicators of vegetation protection, and indicators of land use were determined.By using of AHP, this three indicators’ weight were 0.240, 0.623, and 0.137.The eco-efficiency model was established, and land quality indicators, indicators of vegetation protection, land use indicators were quantitatively evaluated.Comparing the results of evaluation can objectively and effectively reflect the ecological benefits of land consolidation project.This is useful in select land consolidation measures and proposals.Analysis of character of land usage of farming land and forest land provided scientific basis for studying agricultural distribution and land consolidation.