Abstract:In order to improve the fattening of mutton sheep, 120 healthy fine wool sheep of the same weight in Inner Mongolia was selected as the trial animals. They were divided into four groups and fattened for60 days. The groupⅠ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ were fed with rations added in 5%, 10% and 15% dry pomace, respectively, and the ration with no dry apple pomace was fed to the control group. Results showed that after 60 days of feeding trial, sheep weight in group Ⅱ increased 220.67±8.56 g each day, sheep weight in groupⅠ, Ⅲ increased138.17±6.46 g and 120±6.35 g, respectively, and that in the control group increased 88.17±4.58g. Weight increase in groupⅡwas 132.5±6.25 g, 82.5±4.38 g and 100.67±5.65 g more than the groupⅠ, group Ⅲ and the control group, respectively, and the differentiation were extremely significant(P<0.01). The cost of apple pomace in control group was 81, 162 and 243 yuan RMB less than the groupⅠ, Ⅱand Ⅲ respectively. But the total increasing weight in groupⅡwas 238.5, 148.5 and 181.2 kg more than the control group, the group Ⅰ andⅢ, respectively. The net profit of the control group, the groupⅠ, Ⅱand Ⅲ was 469.2, 1828.2, 4123.2 and1143 yuan RMB, respectively. So the net profit of the group Ⅱ was 3654, 2295, 2980.2 yuan RMB more than the control group, the groupⅠand Ⅲ, respectively, which indicated profit of the group Ⅱ was very significant.Therefore, the dry apple pomace was a good component of feed at present. It has a very obvious benefit on the increase of sheep weight when 10% was added. This technique is of great extension value.