Abstract:In order to provide the theory for the reasonable exploitation and sustainable utilization of Aeolian sandy soil, maize was planted under plastic film and irrigated by self-suction micro-irrigation emitter. Effects of irrigation water on the growth and yield of maize in Aeolian sandy soil were studied by field experiment. The results showed that irrigation water had little effect on stem length, stem diameter, LAI, and dry matter accumulation above ground per plant. Ear length, ear thickness, grains per row, 100 grain weight, grain weight per ear, ear weight and yield all increased first and then decreased as irrigation water increased, while length of barren ear had the opposite trend, besides that, rows per ear changed little as irrigation water increased. The highest yield, which reached 7.8 t/hm2, was got for 75% ET treatment. However, WUE decreased with increasing of irrigation water, and its maximum was 1.35 kg/m3 for 25% ET treatment. Therefore, in the Aeolian sandy soil area, irrigation water about 25%~75% ET was recommended.