Abstract:This study was to ascertain the effects of different nitrogen application on nitrogen uptake of rice andoptimization of rice cultural practice on soda alkali-saline soil. Pot-cultured ‘Changbai 9’was grown on threekinds of soil including non-saline soil(S0), mild-saline soil(S1), moderate saline soil(S2). At different Nitrogen ap-plication rates, total Nitrogen in plants, Nitrogen distribution in each parts of plant, Nitrogen uptake efficiency andyield were determined. The results showed that the content of total Nitrogen, Nitrogen distribution in each parts ofplant and Nitrogen uptake in ‘Changbai 9’was increased by increase of Nitrogen application. However, as the riceorgan and degree of soil salinization differs, nitrogen levels have different peak. The more nitrogen applied, the lessthe nitrogen use efficiency of ‘Changbai 9’. Under this experimental condition, yield increased obviously in low N-treatment, but high N-treatment had the worst effect. Considering the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency togeth-er, the best Nitrogen fertilizer application of Changbai 9 was about 150kg/hm2.