Abstract:Biological characteristics of 9 introduced varieties of Lonicera caerulea in Changchun City were in-vestigated. The results showed that all of them were different in reproductive and vegetative growth. The plant heightof E6, E8 and E9 were the highest with 100 cm. The crown diameter of E6 was larger than E8. The plant height,east-west and east-west crown diameter of E1 were the least, which were 50 cm, 35 cm and 40 cm, respectively.The single fruit weight of E8 was the heaviest with 1.20 g. The highest Yield per plant of E2 was 75.03 g, and thefruits were the largest. Soluble solid content of E10 was the highest with 12.50, and the least was E3.The highest fre-quency range of germination rate, fruit number and single fruit weight of E8 were 42%~56%, 4~6, and 0.5~0.7 g.