In order to understand effects of straws returned into field on environmental effect of soil, a long-term located experiment about returned straws were designed since 2000 to select the best methods of straws re-turned into field. Soil physical and chemical properties of straws returned into field were analyzed. The resultsshowed that soil compactions of every treatment were increased with increase of depth, the maximum is at the depthof 45 cm. In addition, soil compaction of low layer was higher than upper, and treatments of straws returned into fieldwere lower than conventional tillage. Three-phase ration of soil of 20-40 cm of treatments of straws returned intofield were more rational than conventional tillage. The infiltration capacity of treatment of straws returned into fieldwas improved because of increase of porosities in soil. Moreover, soil nutrients were increased significantly, soil or-ganic matter treatments of returning straws into field compared of conventional tillage and the range of increase werefrom 0.26 to 0.74 g/kg.