Abstract:Field experiments were carried out to study the effects of different phosphorus(P) application rate onmaize yield on different types of soil in the East, Middle and West parts of Jilin Province. The results showed thatphosphate fertilizer significantly increased the yield of maize, the yield increased at first and then decreased as theapplication of phosphate fertilizer increased, the fitted equation of two degree with maize yield and application ofphosphate fertilizer were: the eastern region y=-0.2830x2+ 47.632x + 9097.4, R2=0.9509, the central region y=-0.1997x2+26.881x+9172.3, R2=0.9573, the western region y=-0.2202x2+38.357x+7341.5, R2=0.9549. Combinedwith the current price of maize and fertilizer inputs, P application rates of maximum and optimum yieldswere84.2 kg/hm2, 67.3 kg/hm2, 87.1 kg/hm2 and 80.1 kg/hm2, 61.6 kg/hm2, 81.9 kg/hm2 in the East, There was a extremely signifi-cant negative correlation between the content of soil available phosphate and the phosphate fertilizer application ofthe highest yield and the maximum economic yield.