Abstract:[Aims] Screening fungicides effective suppression of avocado canker. [Methods] Toxicity of eight fun-gicides on avocado canker were measured using mycelium growth rate method. [Results] The toxicity of 45% Pro-chloraz EW was the strongest, with the EC50 of 0.0274 mg/L, followed by 40% Flusilazole EC and 10% Difenocon-azole WDG with the EC50 of 0.1031 mg/L and 0.1361 mg/L. EC50 of 40% Propiconazole ME, 30% Kresoxim-methylSC and 43% Tebuconazole SC were 0.2577 mg/L, 3.3386 mg/L and 3.3692 mg/L. The sensitivity of avocado canker 25% Diniconazole EC and 25% Triadimefon WP were lower than others. [Conclusions] 45% Prochloraz EW, 40%Flusilazole EC, 10% Difenoconazole WDG, 40% Propiconazole ME, 30% Kresoxim-methyl SC and 43% Tebucon-azole SC can effectively inhibit the growth of avocado canker.