Abstract:By using ultrasonic in vivo, meat quality traits of adult Xinjiang brown cattle were determined, in-cluding the eye height(x1), back-fat thickness(x2), eye muscle area(x3), body weight(x4), body height(x5), bodylength(x6), chest circumference(X7), the circumference(x8), as well as the weight of each part after slaughtering.On this basis, the correlation of the meat quality traits, body weight and body size with high-grade meat weight(Y1),the back part meat weight(Y2), high quality meat weight(Y3), all cut weight of Xinjiang brown cattle(Y4) were ana-lyzed and the optimal regression equation established. The results showed that carcass back-fat thickness, loin eyearea and body weight affected the high-grade meat weight. Body weight, body height and chest circumference had aremarkable impact on back part meat weight of carcass. The eye muscle area, body weight, body height and chest cir-cumference affected the weight of quality meat and all cut weight of Xinjiang brown cattle. The optimum regressionequation of Xinjiang brown cattle high-grade meat weight, the back part meat weight, high quality meat, all cutweight of meat, and meat quality traits, body weight, body sizes were as follow: y1=6.34 x2+0.141 x3+0.061 x4, y2=0.064 x4+1.071 x5-0.459 x7, y3=0.279 x3+0.110 x4+0.813 x5-0.313 x8, y4=0.558 x3+0.221 x4+1.625 x5-0.626 x8. Ultra-sonic properties index, body weight and body size can be as direct or indirect indices of living meat production per-formance.