Abstract:To study the effects of heavy metals in soil on rice yield and heavy metal enrichment in grain, a mi-cro-plot experiment was conducted to analyze the characteristics of distribution of heavy metals in plant, enrich-ment capacity and its relevancy with heavy metals content in soil. The results indicated that there was no significant difference in grain yield between the treatments Pb and Hg. With the increment of additional amount of Cd, As, Cr,the grain yield gradually decreased, and the difference was significant. The transportation sequence of five heavymetals in rice seeds was: As>Cd>Hg>Pb and Cr. There was a positive correlation among the contents of heavymetals in rice stem-leaves, seeds and soil. Furthermore, the significantly positive correlation between heave content in stem-leaves and grain was found. Based on the national standards for maximum levels of heavy metal contami-nants in foods(GB 2762-2005), the critical values of soil Pb, Hg, Cr, As, Cd were calculated by regression equation as 43.5mg/kg, 0.19 mg/kg, 355.8 mg/kg, 0.82 mg/kg, and 1.29 mg/kg, respectively.