Abstract:The "3414" experiment design was employed to investigate the effects of N, P and K combination on yield of spring maize Zhengdan 958, and analyze the benefits. The results showed that the N, P and K combinationsimproved yield effectively, and the top three treatments were N3P2K2, N2P3K2 and N2P2K2treatment. The yields were 15 347.0 kg/hm2, 15 038.0 kg/hm2 and 14 935.0 kg/hm2, respectively. The yield-increasing effect of N, P and K fer-tilizer was followed as N>P>K fertilizer. Three treatments of the most benefits were N2P2K2, N2P2K1 and N2P3K2,with 27 012.51 yuan/hm2, 26 983.37yuan/hm2 and 26 070.25 yuan/hm2, respectively. In theory, the N2P2K2treatment(N:260 kg/hm2, P2O5:130 kg/hm2, K2O:130 kg/hm2) was appropriate fertilizer combination in the experimentalfields with the highest benefits and better yield. Calculating the derivative of ternary quadratic fertilizer responseequation, the results indicated that the maximum amount of fertilizer of pure N, P2O5 and K2O were 361.61 kg/hm2,185.26 kg/hm2 and 133.09 kg/hm2, respectively. Analyzing this ternary quadratic fertilizer response equation, the re-sults showed that the practical and optimal amount of fertilizer of pure N, P2O5 and K2O were 290.15 kg/hm2, 149.62kg/hm2 and 100.15 kg/hm2. This analytic result can be recommended as the optimal amount of fertilizer on local spring maize, because the practical and optimal amount of fertilizer was not only close to theoretical and optimal amount, but also lower than the maximum amount of fertilizer.