In order to explore suitable herbicide to prevent weeds in sorghum field and its safety, plot test was adopted and four kinds of closed herbicide applied after sowing and before seedling and 9 kinds of herbicide ap-plied after seedling were tested. Their controlling effect to weeds and their safety to sorghum and their influence on sorghum were studied. The results showed that suitable herbicide applied after sowing and before seedling was 38% Atrazine at 1995 g/hm2 mixed with Pendimethalin at 1950 mL/hm2. Effective herbicides which were suitable to be applied after seedling included 50% Quinclorac at 450 g/hm2 plus 50% Fluroxypr mepthyl at 900 mL/hm2, 10% Flu-oroglycofen at 450 mL/hm2 plus 50% Acetochlor at 1350 mL/hm2, 50% Fluroxypr mepthy at 900 mL/hm2plus 50% Acetochlor at 1350 mL/hm2, or a single application of 10% Fluoroglycofen at 450 mL/hm2. These 5 kinds of treatments achieved good controlling effect of weeds, and they were safe to sorghum and sorghum production also increased significantly.