Abstract:The results showed that with the application of chemical fertilizers(N, P, K) alone, concentrations ofheavy metals(Ni, Cu, Zn, As. Pb) in soils changed insignificantly, but the concentration of Cr and Cd increased. How-ever, in plots amended with chemical fertilizers plus organic manure, concentrations of Cr, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in soilsincreased, which might raise potential risk of soil heavy metals contamination, especially the pollution of Cr, Cd, Cuand Zn. Application of fertilizers alone or combined with organic manure led to increment in concentrations of Ni, Asand Pb in maize plant, but the concentration of Zn reduced. The accumulation capacity of Cd in maize plant increasedin plots amended with chemical fertilizers alone, but that of Cr, Cu, Cd and Pb in maize plant decreased significantlywith the combined application of chemical fertilizers and organic manure. It was predicted that short term applicationof chemical fertilizers alone would not result in heavy metals pollution in maize seeds, but it was suggested to pay moreattention to the Cr, Zn and Cu pollution caused by application of chemical fertilizers plus organic manure.