Abstract:With maize as the material, four treatments were set in the experiment, i.e., Ⅰ, spraying water(the con-trol), Ⅱ, spraying 2% Zn, Ⅲ, spraying 2% Mo, and Ⅳ, spraying 2%Zn + 2%Mo. Effects of Zn and Mo sprays onchlorophyll content, leaf relative water content and photosynthetic characteristics of maize under natural droughtconditions were studied. Results showed that maize leaf chlorophyll content of the four treatments increased at firstand then decreased. Leaf chlorophyll content of Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ treatments in each stage were significantly higherthan that of the control. On July 29, leaf chlorophyll content decreased to 46.54 mg/g in the control, but they were10.03%, 11.10% and 10.27% higher in Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ treatments. Sprays of Zn, Mo, Zn + Mo improved crops’ drought resistance and mitigate the damage. The relative water content in the leaves of four treatments under naturaldrought conditions decreased from jointing stage(July 22nd) to large bell stage(July 29th), and there were signifi-cant difference between the control and other treatments. At large bell stage(July 29th), leaf water content was63.43% in the control, but they were 12.14%, 14.25% and 15.10% higher in Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ treatments. On August11, it rained. Leaf water content increased but the differences among treatments were not significant. With the lift oftemperature, natural drought aggravating, leaf water content of four treatments began to decline, but they were signif-icant higher in Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ treatments than that of control. This indicated that the Zn, Mo sprays improved water retention in maize leaf and enhanced the drought resistance of maize. At the same time, effect of four treatments oncorn gas exchange parameters(stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, photosynthetic rate) was analyzed. The re-sults showed that as air temperature rise from the big trumpet stage to dough stage stomatal degree(Gs), transpira-tion rate(Tr) and photosynthetic rate(Pn) increased at first and then decreased, whereas intercellular CO2concentra-tion(Ci) decreased at first and then increased. Photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ treatments were not significant different with each other, but they were significant different with the con-trol. This indicated that applied Zn and Mo fertilizer could delay leaf senescence, and improved leaf photosyntheticcharacteristics.