Abstract:Application of plant growth regulator can affect stress resistance and yield by adjusting plant height,changing plant types. In this study,‘Zhedan 37’(earlier maturing, 113 d),‘Xianyu 335’(mid-early maturing, 118d),‘Zhengdan 958’(medium maturing, 120 d) and‘Nongda 108’(late maturing, 125 d) were sown at two dates,and two kinds of plant growth regulators were applied at jointing stage. Results showed that application of plantgrowth regulators A at jointing stage increased number of stay green leaves, leaf area and dry matter weight, and de-creased number of yellow leaves, and provided basis for yield formation at mature stage. Application of plant growthregulators obviously improved yield of‘Xianyu 335’,‘Zhengdan 958’, and‘Nongda 108’at mature stage, and themain influence factors were 100-kernel weight and kernels per row. Application of plant growth regulators B obvi-ously shortened the distance between the first node to forth node, then decreased the plant height, and shortenedgrowth period duration, then insured the mature of‘Nongda 108’and increased maize yield.