Abstract:Field experiments were conducted and N, P, K fertilizers applied at sowing. Effects of fertilization pat-terns on weed community diversity in drought-resistant transgenic soybean field were studied. The results showedthat N, P, K fertilizer effectively reduced the weed density, weed species and quantity, increased soil nutrients andmoisture. The sequence of this effect was N-P-K >N-P. In N, P, K single fertilization test, N fertilizer applicationinfluenced weed species and quantity the most, K fertilizer the least. Weed density, species, quantity and soil nutri-ent content in N fertilizer treatment was significantly higher than that of no fertilization and P fertilizer, K fertiliz-er. Soil moisture content in N fertilizer treatment was significantly lower than that of no fertilization and P fertiliz-er, K fertilizer treatment, and the sequence of this effect was N > P >K. So only from the perspective of reducing thefield weed community, the influence degree of various fertilizer treatments was N- P- K > N- P > CK > K > P > N.