Effects of five different nitrogen treatments on starch content of sorghum hybrid‘Chiza No. 28’was stud-ied. The result showed that the total starch, amylopectin content and the accumulating rates of total starch and amy-lopectin in the early grain filling stsge(7 to 21 days) and late stage(35 to 49 days) increased in the medium nitrogentreatment that is 9.3 kg/667m2 nitrogen and 13.9 kg/667 m2 of nitrogen. High nitrogen and low nitrogen were not ben-efit to the accumulation of total starch and amylopectin. Nitrogen of 9.3 kg/667m2 was benefit to the accumulation ofamylose. The accumulating rates of the total starch, amylopectin and amylose all came to be a single-peak curvealong with the advance of grain filling process. The peaks of total starch, amylopectin appeared in 28 d after grainfilling. The amylopectin-amylose ratio was double-peak curves.