Abstract:To screen the optimal application rate of N, P, K fertilizers for maize in Jilin Province, an experiment withdifferent applied rates of N, P, K was conducted in two regions with different soil types, which could provide impor-tant information for reasonable use of chemical fertilizers and improving chemical fertilizer use efficiency. The re-sults showed that combined application of N, P, K fertilizers increased maize yield effectively. In black soil plots, Pfertilizer played the most positive effects on increasing maize yield, followed by K fertilizer, and N fertilizer was theleast. However, in chernozem plots, P fertilizer played the most positive effects on increasing maize yield, followedby N fertilizer, and K fertilizer was the least. Based on the optimizing models and analysis of the corresponding eco-nomic benefit, it is suggested the optimal fertilizer rate was 145-170 kg/hm2 for nitrogen, 69-71 kg/hm2 for phospho-rus and 60-81 kg/hm2 for potassium in black soil region, and 190-200 kg/hm2 for nitrogen, 69-83 kg/hm2 for phos-phorus and 135 kg/hm2 for potassium in chernozem soil region in central Jilin Province.