Abstract:The relationship of different soybean varieties quality and soy yogurt quality was studied by the data anal-ysis of 27 soybean cultivars from Heilongjiang and Jilin province. Physical and chemical parameters of the raw soy-bean, quality and texture characteristics of the soy yogurt were measured and analyzed, and then the relationship be-tween different soybean varieties and soy yogurt processing evaluated. The results showed that there were significantdifferences of soybean protein, fat, phytic acid and 11 S and 7S globulin content among different soybean cultivars.So the significant difference of soy yogurt quality occurred, such as soy yogurt protein, fat, solid content and acidity,firmness, gumminess and cohesiveness. The correlation analysis illustrated that the most significantly positive or sig-nificantly positive correlation were existed between fat of soy yogurt and soybean fat, acidity of soy yogurt and solu-ble protein, acidity of soy yogurt and soybean protein, springiness of soy yogurt and soluble protein. There were thesignificantly negative correlation between acidity of soy yogurt and 11 S globulin content, gumminess of soy yogurtand soybean fat.