Abstract:In order to make clear of the development of agricultural industrial structure of Liaoning Province in re-cent decade and to forecast the tendency of agricultural output values and the output of various agricultural productsin Liaoning Province, based on the statistical data of Statistical Yearbook in Liaoning Province from 2005 to 2014,and applying the gray correlation analysis method, the present study was conducted to analyze the agricultural out-put values, grain output, meat output, the fruit output, aquatic products output and the afforestation area of LiaoningProvince in recent decade. Moreover, to use the GM(1,1) model to forecast the agricultural output value and produc-tion of many kinds of agricultural products. According to grey incidence analysis results, the relationship of plantingand animal husbandry on the gross output value of agriculture are relatively closer in the total agricultural output val-ues. The relationship of corn, rice, potato yield and total crop yield; apple yields and total yields of fruit; poultrymeat, pork output and total meat output, marine product and output of total aquatic products are relatively closer.The relationship of protection forest on the afforestation area and total afforestation area are the closest. According togrey prediction results, the total output of agricultural products and the output of agricultural products will increasefrom 2015 to 2020. The growth rate of meat production should be paid more attention to. The output value of agricul-tural services industry and the output of pear, poultry, aquatic products growth rate will be faster.