Jin Chan 5 was used as the material in the test and the temperature was setting to 7℃. The time durationwas 9 days(T1) and 14(T2) days. The reducing sugar content, peroxidase activity and other physiological indexes atthird leaf stage were determined. The results showed that reducing sugar content, soluble protein content and root ac-tivity were significantly higher at T1 than T2. The peroxidase activity and SOD activity were significantly lower at T1 than T2. The hydrogen peroxide enzyme content was slightly higher at T1 than T2, however, there was no significantdifference. There were no significant effects on the chlorophyll content and catalase activity in the test. The resultssuggested that long-term low temperature caused damage to the physiological metabolism and root activity of plantsat the seedling stage. Plants ease low temperature damage by increasing the activity of peroxidase and SOD activity.