The objective of the study was to discuss the effect of subsoiling ridge planting on growth, dry matter accu-mulation yield of spring maize in semi arid area, understand soil water extraction, storage, protection and benefit ef-fect of deep loosening. It is also for raise the water use efficiency, improve soil structure and exploit spring maizeyield potentiality. Using a conventional ridge as control, the research of maize ridge subsoiling 30 cm in the springand autumn was carried out in the semi arid region of Jilin Province. The results showed that soil density of 10-20 cm layer, 20-30 cm layer was in such order: spring subsoiling 30 cm<autumn subsoiling 30 cm<conventionalridge, and there were significant differences between spring subsoiling 30 cm and conventional ridge. The soil watercontent of two subsoiling treatments was higher than that of the conventional tillage in the 0-20 cm and 20-40 cmsoil layers. Subsoiling promoted plant dry matter accumulation. Yield was increased by subsoiling to some extent.The effect of spring subsoiling was better, long term continuous subsoiling was conducive to improving the structureof the soil.