Abstract:Effects of different phosphorus rates on rice yield, nutrition absorption, phosphorus use efficiency, thechange of available phosphorus in soil and its balance of payments were studied by field experiments from 2014 to2015. The experiment included five treatments(P0, P1, P2, P3 and P4) with different phosphorus levels(0, 40, 80,120 and 160 kg/ha). The results showed that phosphorus application improved rice yield, and rice yield increasedwith the increment of phosphorus application rates at the range of 40-120 kg/ha, but decreased at 160 kg/ha ofphosphorus application for two years. Phosphorus application significantly improved the accumulation of N, P and Kin grain at the mature period of rice. Phosphorus use efficiency, agronomic efficiency and partial productivity de-clined with increasing phosphorus application rates from 31.8%, 15.9 kg/kg, 241.0 kg/kg to 19.2%, 9.5 kg/kg, 65.8kg/kg, respectively. Phosphorus harvest index increased at first and decreased later with increasing of phosphorusapplication rate, and the highest value was 68.9% at 120 kg/ha of phosphorus fertilizer application. Available phosphorus content in soil layer(0-40 cm) increased with the increment of phosphorus application rate compared withP0 treatment. The value of phosphorus balance in soil of P0, P1 and P2 treatments were deficient after growing ricecontinuously, and the amount of deficiency declined with increasing of phosphorus application rate. Phosphorusamounts in soil of P3 and P4 treatments occurred in surplus, and increased with the increment of phosphorus appli-cation rate. Phosphorus application rate at the balance of P budget in soil was 98.2 kg/ha by simulating between ap-parent P budget in soil(y) and phosphorus application rate(x), respectively. Comprehensive consider factors such asrice yield, nutrient accumulation, phosphorus use efficiency, the change of available phosphorus and apparent bal-ance in soil, the optimum phosphorus application rate was at the range of 98.2-120 kg/ha.