Objectives of the study was to understanding and preliminary master the general occurring situation anddamage degree of peanut diseases and insect pests at seedling stage in Jilin Province. The method of random sam-pling, grade counting and on-the-spot estimating was used to make an investigation about diseases and insect pestsat main peanut cultivated areas. Cumulative survey was taken to more than 1 200 hectares which account for about 1.3% of total planting area. It was discovered that two main diseases at seedling stage were root rot and seedlingblight, which damage rate account for more than 75% of the whole seedling diseases. Two main insect pests at seed-ling stage were grub and peanut aphid, which damage degree account for about 80% of the whole seedling insectpests. The results showed that root rot, seedling blight, grub and peanut aphid occurred at seedling stage werespread widely and seriously. The prevention and control technology should be improved and popularized.