Phenophase, berry quality and yield of six blueberry cultivars(cv.‘O’Neal’and‘Misty’of Southernhighbush,‘Northland’of Halfhall hightbush,‘Duke’,‘Brigitta’and‘Bluecrop’of Northern highbush) cultivatedin Lijiang City of Yunnan Province were studied in this paper. The results showed that the tested six blueberry culti-vars were suitable for Lijiang region, and showed good performance on berry quality.‘Misty’was the first floweringcultivar, which early flowering began from March 17, and early fruiting from May 23.‘Brigitta’was the last flower-ing cultivar among the tested cultivars, which early flowering began from April 16, and early fruiting from July 5.‘O’Neal’, ’Misty’and‘Bluecrop’were the most suitable for fresh berries with big berry size and good berry quali-ty. The berry flavor of‘Duke’and‘Brigitta’was in a good sugar / sour ratio and taste better than the other cultivarsin this experiment.‘Northland’has the hightest yields, which reached 663.7 kg/ha of 3 years plants.