






Relationship between Yield and Canopy Structure of Rice Population with Different Row Spacing in the West Jilin Province

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    以水稻不同行距配置为基础,构建不同的群体冠层结构,于乳熟期系统测定水稻群体光分布情况,于成熟期测定产量及产量构成指标,分析冠层PAR截获率、消光系数与产量关系。结果显示,产量与冠层PAR截获率达到极显著相关,且为正相关;产量与群体消光系数达到极显著相关,且为负相关。在吉林省西部水稻区,行距30~20 cm和行距40~25 cm配置冠层结构优良,且能有效提高水稻群体产量。


    Based on different row spacing allocation of rice, different structures of rice population were established.Light distribution and yield components were measured on milk-ripe stage and mature stage, respectively, to ana-lyze relationship among PAR interception amount from canopy, extinction coefficient and yield. The results showedthat yield was extremely significant positively related to interception amount of PAR canopy. Yield was extremely sig-nificant negatively related to extinction coefficient of population. In rice zone of the west Jilin Province, row spacingwith 30-20 cm and 40-25 cm could establish well canopy structure and enhance yield of rice population effectively.Based on different row spacing allocation of rice, different structures of rice population were established.Light distribution and yield components were measured on milk-ripe stage and mature stage, respectively, to analyze relationship among PAR interception amount from canopy, extinction coefficient and yield. The results showed that yield was extremely significant positively related to interception amount of PAR canopy. Yield was extremely significant negatively related to extinction coefficient of population. In rice zone of the west Jilin Province, row spacing with 30-20 cm and 40-25 cm could establish well canopy structure and enhance yield of rice population effectively. This study was to explore the effect of row spacing on yield component, panicle traits, photosynthesis and population micrometeorological factors and provide theoretical basis for the high-yield cultivation and choose of appropriate plant row spacing of rice in Jilin Province. With japonica rice Tonghe 833 and Tonghe 838 as test materials, effects of row-spacing on eco-physiological characteristics and yield components of rice under different nitrogen application levels were studied. Results showed that the yield of equal plant-row spacing treatment A(22.3 cm×22.3 cm) was the highest, the treatment B of wide-narrow row spacing(30 cm×16.5 cm) take second place, while the double lines width ridge treatment C(20/50 cm×14 cm) was the lowest. The increase of the number of panicles and 1 000-grain weight was the main reasons. The interaction effect between row-spacing and nitrogen application rate, row-spacing and varieties, nitrogen application rate and varieties on yield and yield component were insignificant. The row-spacing have a certain influence on panicle traits, showed that the equal plant-row spacing treatment A(22.3 cm×22.3 cm) had remarkable advantages on improve panicle traits of rice in Jilin Province. The distinctive differences were found in the content of CO2, light intensity, air temperature and humidity in the population among different row-spacing treatments, and the double lines width ridge treatment C(20/50 cm×14 cm) showed ideal microclimate within the population of rice. The leaf area index(LAI) showed row-spacing treatment A > B > C at heading and ripening stage. Furthermore, the different between equal plant-row spacing treatment and double lines width ridge treatment had reach significant level(P<0.05), the increase of panicle number of equal plant-row spac-ing treatment was the main reason. Moreover, photosynthetic rate of flag leaf was higher at equal plant-row spacing treatment A > C > B at heading stage and 20 d after heading. The yield, panicle traits, photosynthesis and dry mate-rial production capacity of equal plant-row spacing treatment A were superior to other two kinds of Rowspacing. Asto the rice varieties we selected in this study, the equal plant-row spacing treatment A was more adapted to the rice production in Jilin Province. Nitrogen fertilizer management is one of the important factors in the rice cultural regulation. Using the rice cultivar ’Longjing 31’ as experimental material, four different N applicant proportions at the early and late growth stages were carried out to understand the effects of N fertilizer management on rice yield. The results indicated that appropriate N application rates at late growth stage, for example, N1 treatment(6:4), could reduce ineffective tillers, increase rice spike rate, increase leaf area index and chlorophyll content, promote biomass accumulation,which led to the high yield of rice. The effective ear number, grain number per spike, maturing rate and 1000-kernel weight of N1 were higher. Yield of N1 was 10.66 t/hm2, which was 11.35% more than that of N4 treatment. It was concluded that a optimized method of N fertilizer management could play an important role in the yield. 9 main agronomic characters of 12 introduced peanut varieties and 1 control varieties in Jilin province were analyzed by using grey system theory and relational grade analysis method. The results showed that weighted relational grade of Huaxiaobao, Huayu 23, Fuhua 11, Yuhua 9327, 801, Tangyou 4, Huayu 28, Baisha 1016, Yuanza9847, Jin 9743-1, Fuhua 12, Shanhua 7, Huaihua 8 were 0.0665, 0.0761, 0.0688, 0.0654, 0.0746. 0.0642, 0.0722,0.0683, 0.0666, 0.0644, 0.0674, 0.0734, 0.0779, respectively. Comprehensive characters of Huaihua 8, Huayu 23,801, Shanhua 7, Huayu 28 and Fuhua 11 were excellent, which were suitable for planting in Jilin province. The mung bean variety Bailü No.9 was used in this experiment. Bailü No.9 was soaked and sprayed with CuSO4(50 mmol/L), MgSO4(50 mmol/L) and FeSO4(50 mmol/L), with distilled water as control. The effect of Cu2+,Mg2+, Fe2+in branching stage,flowering period and maturation period on Chlorophyll,SOD, POD, MDA of mung bean was explored. The results showed that chlorophyll, MDA, activity of SOD and POD increased by Cu2+, Mg2+, Fe2+treatment in above three periods. Soaking was the best among the three treatments. The effects of Mg2+, Fe2+were better than Cu2+. The genetic relationships of 42 alfalfa varieties were studied using RAPD analysis. The results showed that it is helpful to improve the genomic DNA quality used for RAPD amplification by using modified CTAB method. 19 random primers composed of 10 bases were selected from the RAPD markers, and there were 138 polymorphism fragments in the 220 amplified fragment found, accounting for 62.7%, 82 monomorphism fragments, accounting for 37.3%. MEGA2.1 software was used for calculating genetic distance of 42 alfalfa varieties. There were a distant relationship among them because the range of genetic distance was 0.174-0.5000. 42 alfalfa varieties can be divided into 5 groups when genetic distance was 0.435. RAPD markers can be used as the basis for classification of alfalfa genetic relationship, because the genetic relationship of different alfalfa varieties have bigger difference. The study was done to provide reliable scientific basis for improvement and hybrid parents selection of alfalfa variety. The influence of three herbicide applications in corn field to control efficiency(CE) and safety were evaluated in field. The results showed that the best CE was 2 times applications of post-emergency herbicides, the betterCE was one time application of post-emergency herbicides and the worst was the applications of pre-emergency herbicides. The CE of fresh weight herbs were 99.1%, 89.2%-89.7% and 63.5% respectively. All of 3 application smethods were safety to corn, and there was not any adverse effects to corn height, fresh weight and yields in 2 times applications of post-emergency herbicides. The yields were same with manual weeding and it was suitable to be widespread. In 2016, the "one prevention double reduction" project of maize was implemented in Qufu City. Large-scale helicopters were adopted to carry out the specialized control of diseases and insect pests in the middle and late stages of maize. The results showed that control effect of the "one prevention double reduction" technology ofMaize to the late pests and diseases was significant. In the field after the implementation of 10 d, 20 d of controlling by airplane, average corn earworm control effect in project demonstration area were 86.12% and 84.68%, the aver-age control effect of corn leaf spot disease were 75.16% and 73.67%, which was significantly different from conventional controlling practice. Maize yield of demonstration area was 8 596.95 kg/hm2, which increased 639.6 kg/hm2,and the increase rate was 8.04%. Plant extracts contain saponins, alkaloids, essential oils, tannins, polysaccharides and other active ingredients. The plant extracts played a certain role in the rumen regulation of ruminants, including regulating VFA com-position of rumen fermentation, enhancing by-pass protein flow and reducing methane emission. The effects of saponins, tannins and plant essential oils on the rumen fermentation and methane production of ruminants were summarized in the paper, so as to provide reference for the application of plant extracts in practical production. A new record species of Ditylenchus, Ditylenchus longicauda Choi & Geraert was found in soil around the rhizosphere of cauliflower and daylily from Kaiyuan City of Liaoning Province in China. It was characterized as follows, laeral field with six incisures; conus is about one-third of stylet length, knobs rounded or slightly tilted backwards; tail elongated, 6.0~7.3 anus body width long; Posterior uterine branch is 1.2~2.1 times as long as width of corresponding body diameter, cylindrical in posterior part, tip rounded or dull to pointed. The areca inflorescence is the main by-products of Areca catechu L.,which has high nutritional value and special health functions. In this paper, areca inflorescence’s pollen characteristics and flowering habits, major chemical compositions, related functional products and safety were reviewed. We put forward some suggestions for the further development of areca inflorescence that may contribute to the scientific research and comprehensive utilization of areca inflorescence in future. In order to prolong the shelf life of dried tofu, sensory evaluation and microbiological evaluation were used as indicators to study the effect of fresh liquid spray and controlled atmosphere storage on the fresh keeping effect of dried tofu. The results showed that the fresh-keeping effect of dried tofu could be significantly improved by the combination of fresh keeping liquid and controlled atmosphere storage technology. Among them, the optimum ratio between nisin and potassium sorbate was 1:1, and the optimum ratio of nitrogen and carbon dioxide was 1:3. Under the premise of ensuring the taste and flavor of dried tofu, the dried tofu could be stored for 10 days at 4℃ after this treatment. Leisure agriculture, a new cross industry combined tourism and agriculture, has developed rapid in China. Enhance the customer satisfaction is an important way to strengthen the competitiveness of the industry. In order to promote the development of leisure agriculture, the questionnaire survey and the classification method were used to carry out research and analyze the leisure agriculture in Yantai area, and to explore the key factors of tourists’ satisfaction with leisure agriculture. The study showed that the direct perceived quality during the tour, the indirect perceived value after the tour, the preference of the tourists and the surrounding environment were the main factors affecting the satisfaction of the leisure agriculture. On this basis, qualitative suggestions related to improve the tourist satisfaction on leisure agriculture were put forward.



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  • 收稿日期:2017-07-09
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-12-06
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