Abstract:This study was to explore the effect of row spacing on yield component, panicle traits, photosynthesis andpopulation micrometeorological factors and provide theoretical basis for the high-yield cultivation and choose of ap-propriate plant row spacing of rice in Jilin Province. With japonica rice Tonghe 833 and Tonghe 838 as test materi-als, effects of row-spacing on eco-physiological characteristics and yield components of rice under different nitro-gen application levels were studied. Results showed that the yield of equal plant-row spacing treatment A(22.3 cm×22.3 cm) was the highest, the treatment B of wide-narrow row spacing(30 cm×16.5 cm) take second place, whilethe double lines width ridge treatment C(20/50 cm×14 cm) was the lowest. The increase of the number of paniclesand 1 000-grain weight was the main reasons. The interaction effect between row-spacing and nitrogen applicationrate, row-spacing and varieties, nitrogen application rate and varieties on yield and yield component were insignifi-cant. The row-spacing have a certain influence on panicle traits, showed that the equal plant-row spacing treatment A(22.3 cm×22.3 cm) had remarkable advantages on improve panicle traits of rice in Jilin Province. The distinctivedifferences were found in the content of CO2, light intensity, air temperature and humidity in the population amongdifferent row-spacing treatments, and the double lines width ridge treatment C(20/50 cm×14 cm) showed ideal mi-croclimate within the population of rice. The leaf area index(LAI) showed row-spacing treatment A > B > C at head-ing and ripening stage. Furthermore, the different between equal plant-row spacing treatment and double lineswidth ridge treatment had reach significant level(P<0.05), the increase of panicle number of equal plant-row spac-ing treatment was the main reason. Moreover, photosynthetic rate of flag leaf was higher at equal plant-row spacingtreatment A > C > B at heading stage and 20 d after heading. The yield, panicle traits, photosynthesis and dry mate-rial production capacity of equal plant-row spacing treatment A were superior to other two kinds of Rowspacing. Asto the rice varieties we selected in this study, the equal plant-row spacing treatment A was more adapted to the riceproduction in Jilin Province.