Abstract:Nitrogen fertilizer management is one of the important factors in the rice cultural regulation. Using therice cultivar ’Longjing 31’ as experimental material, four different N applicant proportions at the early and lategrowth stages were carried out to understand the effects of N fertilizer management on rice yield. The results indicat-ed that appropriate N application rates at late growth stage, for example, N1 treatment(6:4), could reduce ineffectivetillers, increase rice spike rate, increase leaf area index and chlorophyll content, promote biomass accumulation,which led to the high yield of rice. The effective ear number, grain number per spike, maturing rate and 1000-ker-nel weight of N1 were higher. Yield of N1 was 10.66 t/hm~2, which was 11.35% more than that of N4 treatment. It wasconcluded that a optimized method of N fertilizer management could play an important role in the yield.