Abstract:In this study, different concentrations of EMS(0.3%, 0.5%, 0.7%, 0.9%) and different induction time(2 h, 4 h, 6 h) were used to induce soybean‘Jinong 18’mutations and determine the best mutagenic conditions. The genetic variation and correlation analysis of main quality traits were carried out in M2 generation. Research results showed that the best mutagenic condition was 0.5% EMS and 6 h processing time, and the lethal dose was close to 50 percent. From the analysis of the variable coefficient, the variable coefficient of oleic acid, linolenic acid and stearic acid was relatively large in the M2 generation. The generalized genetic forces of the M2 generation were relatively high in linoleic acid, linolenic acid and plmitic, but fat and stearic acid were very low. Correlation analysis results showed that the main quality traits of fat and protein was significantly negatively related, oleic acid and palmitic acid was significantly positively related, oleic acid and linoleic acid, linolenic acid was significantly negative related, linolenic acid and linoleic acid were significantly positive related.