Abstract:Absrtact:Based on the statistical data of 2006~2017, this paper analyses the consumption tendency of rural resi-dents in Jilin Province, ranks the degree of farmers’ attention to consumption structure, measures the change degreeof rural residents’ consumption structure in Jilin Province according to the established consumption structurechange model, and analyses the influencing factors of consumption structure change with using partial least squaresregression analysis. The following conclusions are drawn:(1) Rural residents in Jilin Province still prefer the mostbasic living consumption of clothing, food, housing and transportation, with food and residential consumption accounting for the majority.(2) Survival consumption decreases year by year, but development consumption and enjoy-ment consumption increase slowly.(3) Developmental consumption and enjoyable consumption of rural residentsshould be strengthened, and consumption structure should be optimized.(4) Try to increase farmers’ wage income,operating income, property income, transfer income, increase the output value of the three industries, increase socialconsumer goods and so on, which have a positive impact on rural residents’ consumption in Jilin Province. Based onthe above results, the paper gives some countermeasures and suggestions to optimize the consumption structure of ru-ral residents in Jilin Province.