Abstract:Small Fresh waxy maize in Xishuangbanna is a local characteristic maize variety in Yunnan province. In recent years, with the introduction of foreign waxy maize varieties and natural mixture, the small waxy maize varieties in xishuangbanna have been gradually degraded, the original flavor has been gradually lost, and the market competitiveness has been continuously reduced. Therefore, genetic improvement is urgently needed. In this study, the method of composite hybridization was used to make use of excellent local varieties and normal maize inbreed line to form composite hybrids. The lines and hybridization was bred according to the breeding target of small waxy maize in Xishuangbanna. Xishuangbanna small waxy maize No. 2, a new type of hybrid waxy maize with unique flavor, was bred with uniform appearance, full bearing fruit, uniform grain shape, neat grain arrangement, full grain size, moderate size, bright color, strong glutinous nature, thin skin without residue, and tender grains.