Abstract:The AMMI model was used to analyze the multi-environment trials data of maize varieties in Hebei Province in 2017. The results showed that genotype effect(G), environment effect(E) and genotype×environment interaction effect(G×E) reached extremely significant level, in which the environmental effect accounts for a maximum of 79.79% of the total variation, genotype and environment interaction account for 10.30%, and the genotype effect only accounts for 2.84%. The first principal component axis(PCA1), the second principal component axis(PCA2) and the third principal component axis(PCA3) in the genotype-environment interaction effect accounted for 83.14% of the interaction information. Among the 12 tested varieties, G7(Hengyu1587), G9(Wodan901) and G4(Wodan818)were high-yield and stable varieties. The control variety G12(Zhengdan958) was good stability with general yield.Among the 9 testing sites, E2(Gaocheng) had the best resolution, and E8(Yongnian) was a testing site with the poorest resolution.