Abstract:Thirteen species of garden plant cuttings were used as test materials, the influence of magnetic water on rooting percentage, total root length, total root volume, root drought weight and soluble sugar content was investigated respectively. The results showed that the magnetized water treatment could promote the rooting of 13 garden plants, and the low intensity magnetized water could significantly increase the rooting percentage, total root length,total root volume, root drought weight and soluble sugar content, and the rooting ability of different plants under the same magnetic water treatment is different. The different of the plants rooting ability was obviously under the same magnetic water treatment. The cluster analysis of the membership function integrated values showed that the test plants were divided into 3 categories according to rooting ability. The rooting ability of Spiraea salicifolia L, Buxus megistophylla Levl., Ilex crenata cv. Convexa Makino, Ligustrum × vicaryi Hort, and Photinia × fraseri Dress was strong, and the root ability of Ilex cornuta Lindl. et Paxt., Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum and Gardenia jasminoides was moderate, and the rooting ability of Osmanthus fragrans var. semperflorens, Hibiscus syriacus Linn, Lagerstroemia indica L, Pyracantha fortuneana Li and Lonicera japonica was relatively weak.