Abstract:The field experiments were carried out in Gongzhuling city and Qian'an county of Jilin province from 2016 to 2018. Two modes including high-yield and high-efficiency cultivation(OPT) and farmers' practice cultivation(FP) were comprehensively set up. And there were applied with nitrogen reduction fertilizer(OPT-N, FP-N),phosphorus reduction fertilizer(OPT-P, FP-P), and potassium reduction fertilizer(OPT-K, FP-K) treatments. The responses of maize yield, dry matter and nutrient accumulation and distribution characteristics and fertilizer utilization efficiency to different cultivation patterns were systematically studied. The results showed that:(1) The maize yields of OPT mode were increased by 9.6%(Gongzhuling city) and 14.3%(Qian'an county) than FP mode, respectively. While the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium application rates of OPT mode decreased by 23.1%, 38.0%,18.2%(Gongzhuling city) and 8.3%, 28.6%, 13.0%(Qian'an county) than FP mode, respectively.(2) Compared with FP mode, OPT mode significantly increased dry matter and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accumulations of maize population, and increased the distribution proportion from silking time to maturing stage.(3) OPT mode significantly increased nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium utilization efficiency of maize than FP mode. In conclusion,by increasing the planting density, optimizing the use of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other management measures to ensure the demands for nutrients after silking time, the maize yield and efficiency in northeast China can be synergistic improved.