Abstract:Absrtact:Based on the three-stage Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) model, in this paper, we conducted empiri-cal research on the agricultural production efficiency of Jiangsu in 2012. According to the comprehensive technicalefficiency, all the cities were divided into three types by cluster analysis method. In comparison with the result ofcluster analysis in the first stage and that in the third stage, it can be seen that external environmental factors as wellas random factors exert certain influences on the agricultural production efficiency. The improvement of urbaniza-tion level, net export and the convenience of traffic are the positive factors to agricultural production efficiency,while financial support in agriculture is the negative factor to agricultural production efficiency. Governments ofeach region in Jiangsu Province should combine farming with the characteristics of its efficiency, with a focus on im-proving the level of management and expanding the scale of agricultural production so as to ameliorate the agricul-tural production efficiency.