Abstract:Based on the data of temperature, precipitation, sunshine and growth period of potato in Songnen Plain of Heilongjiang Province from 1971 to 2017 and the potato growth period observation data, the paper calculated the temperature, precipitation, sunshine and comprehensive climate suitability in the Songnen Plain of Heilongjiang Province, analyzed the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics, and revealed the variation rules, in order to provide a scientific basis for potato production. The results showed that from 1971 to 2017, the distribution of potato temperature suitability at each growth stage in Songnen Plain was different. The average temperature suitability at each growth stage from sowing to harvest stage was above 0.93, and the interannual change was slight. Precipitation suitability varies greatly among regions and between years. The sunshine suitability decreased gradually from northwest to southeast, with little inter-annual difference, and all showed a slightly decreasing trend. In most periods of potato growth and development, the climate suitability increased gradually from west to east. The western part of Songnen Plain had a low climate suitability, which was basically below 0.80, while the eastern part of Songnen Plain had a relatively high climate suitability, which was above 0.8. The eastern and northern parts of Songnen Plain are more suitable for potato growth than those in the west, and precipitation is the main factor affecting climate suitability.