Abstract:The stem apex of strawberry stolons "Hongyang" and "Zhang Ji" were used as materials to study the ratioof exogenous hormone species and concentration in the process of explants induction,in vitro plantlet proliferationand rooting culture,and the conditions of in vitro plantlet domestication and transplanting,so as to provide theoreti-cal basis for the production of virus-free strawberry seedlings in low-pressure plateau area.Results show that in theprimary culture,with the increase of 6-BA concentration,the stem apex adventitious bud germination of strawberryfirst increased and then decreased,and MS+6-BA1.5treatment was the best.Compared with only adding 6-BA,adding a certain amount of NAA could significantly improve the germination rate of adventitious bud of strawberry,and MS+6-BA1.0+NAA0.2combination had the strongest advantage.The germination rate of "Hongyan" and "Zhangji" adventitious buds of the two tested strawberries is 62%and 75%,respectively.Compared with the prima-ry culture,the subculture and propagation need a lower concentration of 6-BA and NAA,in which the combinationof MS+6-BA0.2+NAA0.1has the strongest advantage,and the multiplication coefficients of cluster buds reached on 4.2 and 4.8,respectively.Adding a certain amount of IBA can promote the rooting of strawberry test tube seedlings,among which 1/2 MS+6-BA0.05treatment is the most effective.In the process of acclimation and transplanting,thematrix combination of peat,vermiculite and perlite=4:1:1 was relatively good,and the survival rate of strawberry invitro seedlings in the two tests was 50.1%and 47.9%,respectively.6-BA plays a leading role in the tissue cultureof stem apex and shoot rapid propagation,which can be promoted by NAA.