Trichogramma chilonis was used as research object to specify the effect of trichogramma products quality on parasitism and emergence of Corcyra cephalonica egg supplies, and discuss whether releasing times could be reduced by supplying eggs during protective release. The results showed that the number of parasitized and hatched eggs supplied inside release device was relatively more when emergence rate of trichogramma products was higher,and emergence rate was above 85%. There was significant difference on the number of parasitized eggs and hatched eggs between release and unreleased areas, which showed the highest was in release for 3 times, followed by release twice, the lowest in unreleased areas. The better quality of trichogramma products is, the higher number of offspring reserved in egg supplies will be. Supplying intermediate host eggs during protective release could provide trichogramma with temporary host in the fields, but releasing time could not be reduced by the practice.