Abstract:In the world, breeding of cold-resistant grape is mainly carried out in China, Russia and the United States of America. This paper summarized the main breeding institutions, varieties produced in the three countries and the situation of promotion and utilization in production. Institute of Special Animal and Plant Sciences of CAAS and Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences have bred more than ten high-quality grape varieties such as "Shuangyou", "Shuanghong", "Beibinghong", "Beimei" and "Beihong" by using the rich Vitis amurensis Rupr. germ-plasm resources. All plant area was closed to 17 000 ha, accounting for about 18% of wine grape area in China.There were nearly 10 research institutions in Russia to carry out cold-resistant grape breeding, and dozens of varieties were bred,but the planting area was not large. Cornell University and the University of Minnesota are two important cold-resistant grapevine breeding institutions in the United States. They have also launched a series of varieties for apply to table, wine, juice making. "Vidal" is the most important ice wine variety, which has been widely promoted in Canada and China.