Abstract:In order to explore new tillage methods to solve the problems of low fertilizer utilization rate, multiple operation links and high cost in the whole production process of rice traditional tillage methods. In order to study the effect on rice yield and quality in the cold region, the experiment was carried out on bilateral and deep fertilization with dry flat ridge. In 2018, at the Agricultural Research Institute of Tailai County, Qiqihar City, Longdao 21, a local main rice variety, was used in a randomized block trial design. Two kinds of planting distances of 13 cm and 14 cm were designed, and the row spacing of routine treatment(P) was 30 cm × 30 cm, dry flat ridge farming, double deep fertilization treatment(L) row spacing is 13 cm × 37 cm, four representative plants were selected at tillering stage,full heading stage and mature stage, respectively, to calculate the theoretical yield, determine the nutritional quality and taste score. Under the two cultivation modes, the yield of 13cm furrow spacing treatment was higher than that of 14 cm furrow spacing treatment, the yield of L1, L2, L5and L6was significantly higher than that of conventional parallel cropping, and the average yield of ridge treatment was 6.24% higher than that of P1treatment, and 9.33% higher than that of P2treatment. In terms of nutritional quality, the protein content of 13 cm treatment was lower than that of 14 cm treatment. Protein content is ridge planting quick acting fertilizer > conventional flat planting > ridge planting slow-release fertilizer. Amylose content of 13 cm treatment is less than 14 cm treatment, but no significant level was achieved in the drought-plain ridge cropping model and the conventional pulsed ridge cropping. The food taste score was L1>L3>L2>L5>L4>P1>L6>P2. Under the conditions of this experiment, the yield of Sinochem slow-release fertilizer treatment in dry flat ridge cultivation mode is significantly higher than that of conventional flat cultivation treatment, and the quality improvement effect of full-layer slow-release fertilizer treatment is better than that of other treatments.