Abstract:The strain with higher fungicidal activity against pepper root rot was obtained by confront culture method.The antifungal spectrum and stability of antagonistic strain were detected using the plate confrontation method. Its taxonomic status was defined using morphological identification, and 18S rDNA sequencing. Additionally, the inhibition rate of spore suspension was determined by the growth rate method against pepper root rot and cowpea wilt disease. The results showed that the antifungal activity of Tb1 against F. solani was 73.47%. Strain Tb1 was identified as T. brevicompactum based on morphological and cultural features, as well as multiple sequences analyses. The antifungal activity of Tb1 against R. solani, F. oxsyporum schl. f. sp., P. vexans, F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, P.vexans, F. oxysporum sp. cucumebrium, A. solani, F. oxyporum f. sp. niveum and B. cinerea was from 66.50% to 85.80%. After the subculture of 10 generations, the antifungal activity of Tb1 against F. solani was 80.87%. Additionally, the control efficiency of Tb1 spore suspension(8.05×107 cfu/mL) to pepper root rot and cowpea wilt disease was the best, and the fungicidal activity were 98.35% and 90.27%, respectively.