Abstract:The methods of multiple comparisons, single factor pollution index and target hazard quotient methods were applied to evaluate the pollution levels of Cadmium(Cd) in rice in Songhua River basin of Jilin Province. The content of Cd in rice in the Songhua River basin of Jilin Province is lower than the limit value of 0.2 mg/kg, and the overall distribution tends to be normal, with the content of 0.002 5-0.015 0 mg/kg accounting for 80%. The Cd content in rice of Yinma and Lalin River tributary is relatively large, followed by the Ersong River tributary, and which in the Huifa and Yitong River tributary is relatively small. The single factor pollution index is all less than 0.7,which is at a safe level; the target hazard quotient is all less than 1, and there is no health risk to the exposed population. The level of Cd pollution and health risks in rice in the Lalin River tributary are significantly higher than those in others. The specific order is: Lalin River > Yinma River > Huifa River > Ersong River > Yitong River. Children’s exposure risks to Cd in rice in different Songhua River tributaries in Jilin Province are significantly higher than adults.