Abstract:The germplasm resources of Coix lacryma-jobi L. in Qianxinan Prefecture are mainly local species, which phenotypic traits are different. This study aims to evaluate the diversity of Coix by characters, provide basis for variety improvement and parent selection. Through collecting 10 Coix germplasm resources mainly planted in Qianxinan Prefecture, the quality traits, yield traits and diversity index were analyzed. The result showed that growth period of the 10 germplasms varied greatly, including early, middle and late maturing varieties. The variation coefficient of main quantitative traits ranged from 3.37% to 16.72%, and the diversity index ranged from 1.0027 to 2.1333. The variation coefficient of yield traits ranged from 3.84% to 39.37%, and the diversity index ranged from 0.6365 to1.9793. According to various qualitative characteristics, the local should use the white husked Coix as the improved variety, and the white husked Coix and black husked Coix can be used for breeding other kinds of Coix germplasm.