Abstract:Gala apple trees grafted onto dwarfing interstocks(GM310, MAC9, SH1, SH6, SH38 and SH40) with uniform growth vigour were used as the experimental material, compared with effects of differents dwarfing interstocks on apple growth, fruit quality and yield. The results showed that cross-sectional area of Gala apple trees grafted onto dwarfing interstocks were significantly different. Compared with the combination of SH6, SH40 and SH1,the height of Gala apple trees grafted onto MAC9, SH38 and GM310 were shorter and the proportion of short branches were higher, but the height of Gala apple trees grafted onto dwarfing interstocks were not significant, the degree of dwarfing of the interstocks followed the order of MAC9>SH38>GM310>SH6>SH40>SH1. The grafting affinity of different dwarfing interstocks was significantly different, the grafting affinity of SH6 was the best, but the grafting affinity of SH6, SH38 and SH40 is not significant, and the grafting affinity of GM310 was the worst. The fruit weight grafted onto GM310 was significantly higher than other dwarfing interstocks, the Soluble solids contents grafted onto SH38was significantly higher than other dwarfing interstocks, the titratable acidity contents grafted onto SH6 and SH38was significantly higher than other dwarfing interstocks, the fruit firmness and vitamin C contents were not significant. The average yield grafted onto GM310 was higher, which can achieve high yields in successive years.