Abstract:Through fungicide screening in laboratory and field efficacy trails, effective fungicides to control bacterial panicle blight of rice were intended to obtain, which may provide experimental basis for the control. By using method of inhibitory halo, indoor inhibitory actions of 24 fungicides and their different concentrations. Based on the results of indoor inhibitory determination, 9 fungicides were chosen for further field trials. The results of inhibitory test showed that inhibitory haloes of amobam, copper succinate glutarate adipate, copper sulfate-ammonia complex,cuppric nonyl phenolsul and Kasugamycin with gainst the strain B.glumae were more than 20 mm. The diameters of inhibitory haloes of ethylicin, bromochlorocyanuric acid, opper oxychloride, thiodiazole-copper and benziothiazolinone were ranged from 15-20 mm. The other five fungicide were less than 15 mm. It indicates that these bactericide are not suitable for prevention and control of the disease. The results of field trials show that inhibitory haloes of amobam 45% AS had better control effect, which was exceeded 80%; Copper succinate glutarate adipate 30% SC,cupric nonyl phenolsul 30% ME opper oxychloride 30% SC, chloroisobromine cyanuric acid 50% SP and 2% kasugamycin AS the control effect was exceeded 70%. Fungicide inhibitory haloes of amobam 45% AS were used to control bacterial grain blight of rice. As the priority, fungicide copper succinate glutarate adipate 30% SC, cupric nonyl phenolsul 30% ME and opper oxychloride 30% SC could be a candidate.